My pet needs to have surgery. Should I be worried about the anesthesia?

Modern anesthesia is generally quite safe. Here at the Merecroft Veterinary Clinic, we do a thorough physical exam on your pet before administering anesthetics, to ensure that a fever or hidden health issue won’t be a problem. We also adjust the amount and type of anesthetic used based on the health of your pet and monitor your pet’s vital signs during the procedure, to ensure your pet’s safety and to catch and treat any potential concerns as quickly as possible.

In addition, preanesthetic blood testing is important. Every pet needs blood testing before surgery to ensure that the liver and kidneys can handle the anesthetic. Even apparently healthy animals can have serious organ system problems that cannot be detected without blood testing. If there is a problem, it is much better to find it before it causes anesthetic or surgical complications. Animals that have minor dysfunction will handle the anesthetic better if they receive IV fluids during surgery. If serious problems are detected, surgery can be postponed until the problem is corrected.

We offer three levels of in-house blood testing before surgery, which we will go over with you when you bring your pet in. We prefer the more comprehensive screen, because it gives us the most information to ensure the safety of your pet. For geriatric or ill pets, additional blood tests, electrocardiograms (ECGs), or x-rays may be required before surgery as well.

It is important that surgery be done on an empty stomach to reduce the risk of vomiting during and after anesthesia. You will need to withhold food for at least 8 to 10 hours before surgery. Water can be left for the pet until the morning of surgery.